General semantics
Just like any other new idea that differs radically from what has gone
before, General Semantics has undergone criticism. Because General Semantics
has had, up to now, little influence, the criticism had been relatively
mild, and the best known version is that of science journalist Martin
Gardner, in one of the chapters of his book Fads & Fallacies in the Name
of Science. This has been for most observers, and for many still is, a
definite demise of General Semantics, and so much so, that it is mentioned
at almost every occasion General Semantics itself is mentioned at any
If one takes that Gardner's analysis is a serious, objective,
scientific, criticism of the value of General Semantics, this first section
also contains the first rhetoric trick: GS is being placed among other
theories that are characterized as unscientific and cult-like. This is done
in advance of any analysis of its contents.
These are all qualifications that have a value only when they refer to the
contents of the book, which has not been the case until now - rather, their
appropriate place would be in a 'Conclusions' section. At his point, without
these references, they are completely baseless and unjustified. Usually such
remarks have the effect of creating prejudices in the mind of the reader.
Having mentioned these effects, they should instead serve as a warning
towards Gardner's prejudgments.
Allen Walker Read, in two scholarly articles on the history
and various meanings of the word "semantics" (Trans/formation, Vol.
1, Numbers 1 and 2, 1950, 1951), disclosed that the word had not been used
in the Count's original draft of Science and Sanity. Before the book
was published, however, the word had been adopted by several Polish
philosophers, and it was from them that Korzybski borrowed it.
The first attempt at a remark about GS itself. However, the name given to
something is, especially when it is something novel, is at best only a vague
reflection of what it is, and in no way a reflection of its value.
Korzybski never tired of knocking over "Aristotelian" habits
of thought, in spite of the fact that what he called Aristotelian was a straw
structure which bore almost no resemblance to the Greek philosopher's manner of
thinking. Actually, the Count had considerable respect for Aristotle (one of the
many thinkers to whom his book is dedicated). But he believed that the Greek
philosopher's reasoning was badly distorted by verbal habits which were bound up
with the Indo-European language structure,1
especially the subject-predicate form with its emphasis on the word "is."
"Isness," the Count once said, "is insanity," apparently without realizing that
such concepts as "isomorphic," which he used constantly, cannot be defined
without assuming the identity of mathematical structures. Another "Aristotelian" habit against which the Count inveighed is that of thinking in terms of a "two-valued logic" in which statements must be either true or false. No one would deny that many errors of reasoning spring from an attempt to apply an "either/or" logic to situations where it is not applicable, as all logicians from Aristotle onward have recognized. But many of the Count's followers have failed to realize that there is a sense in which the two-valued orientation is inescapable. In all the "multi-valued logics" which have been devised, a deduction within the system is still "true" or "false. To give a simple illustration, let us assume that a man owns a mechanical pencil of a type which comes in only three colors-red, blue, and green: If we are told that his pencil is neither blue nor green, we then conclude that it is red. This would be a "true" deduction within a three-valued system.2 It would be "false" to deduce that the pencil was blue, since this would contradict one of the premises. No one has yet succeeded in creating a logic in which the two-valued orientation of true and false could be dispensed with, though of course the dichotomy can be given other names. There is no reason to be ashamed of this fact, and once it is understood, a great deal of general semantic tilting at two-valued logic is seen to be a tilting at a harmless windmill. The non-existence of a two-valued logic is also one of the cornerstones of GS. However, this statement is meant in the same context as the one on "is-ness": it is non-existent in the real, material, world. It does exist in the mathematical world, and probably Gardner is even correct in stating that in the mathematical world it cannot be replaced. So Gardner's criticism may be correct in his, mathematical, world, but the rest of us are living in the real world - where GS's statement is correct. One finds in Science and Sanity almost no recognition of the fact that the battle against bad linguistic habits of thought had been waged for centuries by philosophers of many schools. The book makes no mention, for example, of John Dewey (except in bibliographies added to later editions), although few modern philosophers fought harder or longer against most of what the Count calls "Aristotelian." In fact, the book casts sly aspersions on almost every contemporary major philosopher except Bertrand Russell.
When one takes a look at the index of 'Science and Sanity', one sees an ample
amount of references. However, these reference are to scientists, not to
philosophers. The short explanation of this has been given by Wendell
Johnson's, cited in Hayakawa's 'Language in Thought and Action', who
describes the efforts of the kind of philosophers Gardner refers to as using
'words cut loose from their moorings'. Gardner's claim that there has been a
long battle against these linguistic habits seems incorrect, and even if it
were correct, this battle has apparently been utterly ineffective, and there
is every reason for someone to try anew.
Korzybski's strong ego drives were obvious to anyone who knew
him or read his works carefully. He believed himself one of the world's
greatest living thinkers, and regarded Science and Sanity as the
third book of an immortal trilogy. The first two were Aristotle's Organon
and Bacon's Novum Organum. Like Hubbard, he was convinced that his
therapy-would benefit almost every type of neurotic, and was capable of
raising the intelligence of most individuals to the level of a genius like
himself. He thought that all professions, from law to dentistry, should be
placed on a general semantic basis, and that only the spread of his ideas
could save the world from destruction. In the preface to the second edition
of Science and Sanity, he appealed to readers to urge their
respective governments to put into, practice the principles of general
semantics, and in the text proper (unchanged in all editions) expressed his
belief that ultimately his society would become part of the League of
Nations. This quite large section consists of nothing else but ad hominems: addressing the person instead of his message. As a method of criticism utter bunk, and pointing to ill-faith.
According to the Count, people are "unsane" when their mental
maps of reality are slightly out of correspondence with the real world. If
the inner world is too much askew, they become "insane." A principal cause
of all this is the Aristotelian mental orientation, which distorts reality.
It assumes, for example, that an object is either a chair or not a chair,
when clearly there are all kinds of objects which mayor may not be called
chairs depending on how you define "chair." But a precise definition is
impossible. "Chair" is simply a word we apply to a group of things more or
less alike, but which fade off in all directions, along continuums, into
other objects which are not called chairs. As H.G. Wells expressed it, in
his delightful essay on metaphysics in First and Last Things:
The non-Aristotelian mental attitude is, in essence, a recognition of the above elementary fact. There is no such thing as pure "chairishness." There are only chair 1, chair 2, chair 3, et cetera! This assigning of numbers is a process Korzybski called "indexing." In similar fashion, the same chair changes constantly in time. Because of weathering, use, and so forth, it is not the same chair from one moment to the next. We recognize this by the process of "dating." We speak of chair 1952, chair 1953, et cetera! The Count was convinced that the unsane, and many insane, could be helped back to sanity by teaching them to think in these and similar non-Aristotelian ways. For example, a neurotic may hate all mothers. The reason may be that a childhood situation caused him to hate his own mother. Not having broken free of Aristotelian habits, he thinks all mothers are alike because they are all called by the same word. But the word, as Korzybski was fond of repeating, is not the thing. When a man learns to index mothers-that is, call them mother 1, mother 2, mother 3, et cetera - he then perceives that other mothers are not identical with his own mother. In addition, even his mother is not the same mother she was when he was a child. Instead there are mother 1910, mother 1911, mother 1912, et cetera. Understanding all this, the neurotic's hatred for mothers is supposed to diminish greatly. From the context one must assume that this is meant as criticism. In fact, it is precisely the opposite. The ideas in this section have served as the general ideas behind the psychological therapies named rational-emotive therapy, and cognitive therapy (both have become better known since the 80's, well after the publication of Gardner's book). Both of these therapies try to solve the psychological problems of their clients by looking for corresponding cognitive problems, and treating the latter. The different versions of cognitive therapy are now recognized as the most effective therapies for most of the more common psychological problems. Just this single application of Korzybski's ideas justifies taking his work seriously.
Of course there is more to the non-Aristotelian orientation
than just indexing and dating. To understand levels of abstraction, for
example, the Count invented a pedagogical device called the "structural
differential." It is a series of small plates with holes punched in them,
connected in various ways by strings and pegs. The "Semantic Rosary," as it
was called by Time magazine, is impressive to anyone encountering
epistemology for the first time. Modern works of scientific philosophy and psychiatry contain almost no references to the Count's theories. In Russell's technical books, for instance, which deal with topics about which Korzybski considered himself a great authority, you will not find even a passing mention of the Count. This is not because of stubborn prejudice and orthodoxy. The simple reason is that Korzybski made no contributions of significance to any of the fields about which he wrote with such seeming erudition.3 Most of the Count's followers admit this, but insist that the value of his work lies in the fact that it was the first great synthesis of modern scientific philosophy and psychiatry.
As mentioned before, this statement has been overtaken by later developments.
This is a regular occurrence with new ideas: the more radical they depart
from the known, the longer it takes before they can get any appreciation or
The fourth rhetoric trick: the continuous repetition of unsubstantiated
opinions, thereby creating the impression of having given them substance
(through the earlier versions). These again are Gardner's opinions and not
facts, and where he states a fact, in this section on GS not having practical
applications, he has been proven wrong.
If Gardner would have been consistent, this section would have read:
Because where Korzybski is a Count, Hayakawa is of Japanese origin (of American birth). Of course his descent is totally irrelevant - but so is Korzybski's, yet Gardner uses it profusely. Again, this demonstrates the high degree of ill-faith behind Gardner's opinions. His words therefore need only be taken seriously as long as they point to directly observable facts - and there is very little of that in his analysis of GS. ... and work with the International Society of General Semantics, founded in Chicago in 1942 and not connected with the Lakeville group. His Language in Action, 1941 (revised in 1949 as Language in Thought and Action) remains the best of several popular introductions to Korzybski's views. One night in a Chicago jazz spot-Hayakawa is an authority on hot jazz-he was asked what he and the Count had disagreed about. Hayakawa paused a few moments (perhaps to permit a neurological integration of reason and emotion), then said, "Words."
Of course the mutual personal opinions of two of its progenitors is totally
irrelevant to the value of their discipline. If this were a valid criticism, one
could write off every science known to man. This is the well-known phenomenon of
ad hominem again. The fourth rhetoric trick, again: repeating unsubstantiated opinions.
Then too, many of its recruits from the ranks of science fiction
enthusiasts, especially in California, have deserted general semantics for
the more exciting cult of dianetics. And Gardner ends his "analysis" with some final insults.
Martin Gardner has repeated his criticisms of GS in later writings (so much so that it has been described as somewhat of an obsession), in which he also refers, like many other critics, to the writings of the other prominent critic of GS: the philosopher Max Black. In a chapter of his Language and Philosophy: Studies in Method, Black limits himself to the theoretical aspects of GS, which greatly contributes towards the objectivity of his analysis. Black's criticism is here analyzed only in summary, because an extensive review has already been done by Bruce Kodish, see here.
Black limits his analysis to the contents of Science and Sanity, and
divides it into three parts: Point 2 of Black is largely the same as point 2 of Gardner 2. Black and Kodish provide much more detail, but the net result remains almost the same as the much shorter analysis above.
Point 3 of Black can be seen as a much more
detailed version of point 1 of Gardner. The fact that the word "is" does
work less than ideally, is due to the fact that all words that point to the
real world represent only an finite number of aspects of objects in this
real world, the process called "abstraction". And since there is no way to
check or guarantee that the first abstraction is identical to the second,
two things denoted by the same word might not be the same thing: cow 1 need
not be cow 2 so the statement "cow is cow" need not be true - in contrast to
"A is A" if A is a mathematical object (it could even be used the other way
a round: if "A" is identical to "A", then "A" is an abstract, mathematical,
object). All in all the conclusion of Kodish's analysis is that, although Black does operate at a much higher level than Gardner does, at that level he makes comparable mistakes - comparable because careless citing and selective citing from someone else's work, which Kodish show that Black does, are in the field of scientific analysis quite serious errors. In our conclusions we have up to now concentrated on the arguments on substance. One might think: OK, the arguments as given by Gardner and Black may not have been correctly formulated, but our gut feeling, our intuition, says that GS is wrong, or even something bad - this kind of argument may even be valid at some times. And while it cannot really be refuted and should therefore be discarded if one takes Popper seriously, frequently things do work this way, and some attention has to be paid to it. Luckily, even this part of human thinking lends itself to rationally formulated considerations. Totally within the spirit of GS, we do this by going to the lowest level of this process: its expression in factual statement, for which we choose the total body of arguments given by Gardner and Black against GS. These arguments were shown not only to be incorrect, but also to use incorrect methods, Gardner's case being the easy one, e.g. by his use of numerous ad hominems. This methods are not merely incorrect, they are wrong - they signify negative emotions towards the subject while maintaining a front of being objective, i.e. it is a kind of deceit - or: the honest thing to do is to say: "I do not like this thing". Which leads to the following conclusion: where people stoop to these methods, their intuitions need not to be trusted in any way either. In search for a cause of these violations of decent reasoning, one may note that frequently, or even usually, these repulsive emotions are caused by a conflict between internal ideas and what comes from outside, as illustrated in the expression: "Why can't they be more like us?", when it is about people. Gardner and Black do not like GS, because it is an idea not like their own. And because it is an idea not like their own, they do not like it, and because they do not like it, they try to find arguments against it. And when you try to find arguments in a certain direction, you are bound to made mistakes, like the one of overlooking arguments that point in another direction. (Note: look carefully at the role the noun "like" plays in this section, and one sees it works like: "to experience a correspondence between what is outside and what is inside", or in even more detail: "to experience a correspondence between what is newly perceived from the outside world and what is already there on the inside based on earlier perceptions") In the case of Gardner it is not hard to find some clues as to where the ideas of GS differs with his own: first of all is GS critical about the role of mathematics with its absolute two-valued reasoning, and mathematics is one of Gardner's hobby's. Secondly, Gardner is somewhat into religion, as this quote shows. And while GS does not make any statements about religion, this mere fact plus the fact that is an explicit effort to improve upon human nature, a field that religion fervently wants to keep for its own, makes that religiously oriented people will readily see it, consciously or unconsciously, as a threat to their beliefs. As far as Black is concerned, he is working in a field, philosophy, that GS is highly critical about, and moreover: threatens to take over. Because as stated above: the natural place of GS is above disciplines like psychology and sociology, a place formerly taken by philosophy. The enthusiasm of people from the fields of psychology and sociology will also not be very high, since GS tries to improve on their efforts too, an attitude usually not very much appreciated by the established forces in any discipline. So the criticisms of the kind of Gardner and Black are no more than is to be expected, and can in fact be considered mild, as demonstrated by the fact that they stem from the forties and fifties. As things stand now, writing in 2007, GS has a quiet little life of its own, and is not disturbed too much by the destructive forces of the established disciplines and their followers. Meanwhile, its offspring in the field of psychology is doing quite well, and one finds some use of the ladder of abstractions in the field of writing and rhetoric. This analysis of the criticisms of Gardner and Black stems from a website that uses General Semantics, and especially the abstraction ladder, to construct a detailed analysis of the relation between human thinking and the workings of society, showing its potentials in this field; see here.
4. Max Eastman, in his amusing piece "Showing up Semantics," The Freeman, May 31, 1954, quotes the following pompous passage from The Mankind of Humanity: "This mighty term - time-binding - when comprehended, will be found to embrace the whole of the natural laws, the natural economics, the natural governance, to be brought into the education of time-binders; then really peaceful and progressive civilization, without periodical collapses and violent readjustments, will commence; not before."
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